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Blog 4

When is it Time to Resurface My Driveway?

Paving Plus Resurfaces Driveways in Ideal Weather Conditions

You may wonder, “When is it time to resurface my driveway?” Property owners throughout Southwestern Virginia think about that question every year. The answer isn’t a clear-cut as you might think it is. Paving Plus wants to make your driveway the envy of the neighborhood, so let’s review the best time.



Resurface Your Driveway is Late Spring or Early Summer

You might be considering resurfacing now, but Paving Plus recommends you wait until late spring or early summer to resurface. Late spring or early summer is our recommendation, because of the temperature in Southwestern Virginia. Our paving contractor keeps hot asphalt in a liquid state because the materials are easier for our paving crew to pour. During warm weather, it is easier for paving contractors to pour the asphalt and level it while it is still liquid. As asphalt cools down, it hardens evenly to give you a durable asphalt driveway.



The Best Temperature Range to Resurface is 65 – 75 Degrees

The best air temperature for resurfacing the driveway is between 65 and 75 degrees. It’s possible to resurface the driveway in cooler temperature, but it’s not ideal resurfacing conditions. Resurfacing your driveway in cooler weather could lead to your driveway sustaining bumps or being uneven. Most property owners in and around Christiansburg want their driveways to look smooth with no bumps, cracks, or potholes.



We May Not Do Driveway Resurfacing When It’s Raining

You might have scheduled with Paving Plus to resurface on a certain day in late spring or early summer. But if it’s raining on that day, we will most likely reschedule for another day. Our paving contractor doesn’t install an asphalt driveway in the rain, because it is better to have a dry subgrade. The oils in asphalt also repel water, which can make the quality of the asphalt pavement look shoddy. We need dry weather to resurface your driveway.



Avoid the Pitfalls of DIY Driveway Resurfacing by Calling Paving Plus

You might be considering a DIY resurfacing project as a money saver. Paving Plus recommends against that. Shoddy DIY resurfacing could cost you more money. We have the experience and knowledge to resurface your driveway correctly. We handle driveways of every type, including lengthy, curvy, or have uneven terrain. Our paving contractor can still provide the sleek look of when your driveway was new. Your current driveway might be in bad shape, but we can make you proud of it again.


For more information and to schedule services, contact Paving Plus today at (540) 731-3000. You can also learn more about us on Facebook. Speak with our professionals when you start wondering, “When is it time to resurface my driveway?